Any construction or alteration, including change of use/occupancy to any building or structure will require a permit. Initiation of this permit process will automatically include the Fire Marshal and Life Safety Processes.
Connecticut statute, through its adoption of the State Building Code (SBC), requires that work provided to a building or structure be provided in compliance with the SBC. Code compliance is assured through the submission of a description of the work to the Office of the Building Inspector, typically as submission of drawings, the building inspector’s issuance of a building permit for the work, the inspection of the work, and the building inspector’s acceptance of the work as complying with code.
The SBC is explicit in the work which requires a building permit, and the work which does not require a permit. It is recommended that the University and its agents contact the building inspector regarding all work to buildings and structures before that work is commenced. Typically, a determination can be made by the building inspector as to whether or not the work is subject to a building permit with a brief description of the proposed work.
If a review of the SBC determines that a building permit is not required for the proposed work, a letter indicating such will be returned with the submitted documents.
It is noted that CGS 29-252a (h) and SBC 105.2.4 exempt a state agency from being required to obtain a building permit from the local building official, however, the University of Connecticut and the State Building Inspector have determined that any University of Connecticut work which is subject to building permit by the SBC shall be permitted through the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office.